Fight Covid & Win

About Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams, a 7th-generation Georgian raised in Savannah, is a renowned neurologist and entrepreneur, as well as a gifted historian and screenwriter.

Fight Covid & Win
6 Times New York Times® Best Seller
Fight Covid & Win
Host of Hack Productivity Podcast
Fight Covid & Win
Writer of Hack Productivity Newsletter

His story

After earning his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia, Dr. Williams became the youngest intern in the history of Wake Forest University's North Carolina Baptist Hospital/Brenner Children's Hospital. He then completed an Internal Medicine Internship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, followed by two years of Child and Adult Neurology at the University of New Mexico, where he was elected by his peers to serve as President of the House Staff Association.

During this time, he was appointed to the Legislative Affairs Committee and became the first ever resident-physician to serve on a committee of the American Academy of Neurology. This assignment took Dr. Williams regularly to Washington, D.C. where he served as an advocate for his patients and fellow neurologists. He was also appointed to represent the Academy to the American Medical Association as delegate to the Resident Physicians Section, at which he represented all neurologists-in-training in the United States. Dr. Williams completed his post-graduate training with a Fellowship in Child Neurology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1996 and has been practicing medicine ever since.

In early 2011, he founded UrgentCare 24/7, in 2012 AnimalCare 24/7 and in 2019, Dental Care 24/7. In April of 2020, he was awarded a provisional patent on the IsoPro Chamber, a promising COVID-19 related medical device and the following month founded IsoPro Technologies, LLC. Dr. Williams has significant real estate investment holdings, which he personally manages, including a 9,218 acre King George II crown-granted former rice plantation, which is managed for wildlife that comprises over 12% of the City of Savannah, GA.

Dr. Williams is a distinguished Theodore Roosevelt historian, having collaborated with two Pulitzer Prize winners on the topic of Roosevelt's health, as well as with Roosevelt's own family descendants. Additionally, he is a screenwriter, specializing in historical fiction.

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Watch how Dr. Williams and his team have cured thousands of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch All Videos

How Does Vitamin C Help Fight COVID-19?

Dr. Jerry Williams talks about vitamin C as it relates to the immune system and how that vitamin can help your body combat the COVID-19 virus. Vitamin C has an important place in the overall improvement and well-being of COVID-19 infected patients and he encourages you to take vitamin C daily.

What If My Child Under 12 Gets COVID?

Dr. Williams discusses the Delta variant and how it affects children under 12 while vaccination approval is sought for all pediatric age ranges. His advice is for families to be vaccinated so they can help protect the young ones.

A New Symptom of COVID-19 Could Be Excessive Sneezing

Sneezing is a symptom being noted with the Delta variant in both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, says Dr. Jerry Williams. If you're sneezing a lot we encourage you to get a COVID test immediately.

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